EagleFund |
FAQ1, How to compile this project. Step1: download JDK from Sun. (note that the JDK version should >=1.3 and <1.5.) install it. set the JAVA_HOME, CLASSPATH, and add the directory %JAVA_HOME% /bin (Linux ${JAVA_HOME}/bin )to the path. Step2: download Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC. install it. set WTK_HOME Step3: download Ant from www.apache.org. install it. set ANT_HOME. add the directory %ANT_HOME% /bin(Linux ${ANT_HOME}/bin) to the path. Step4: download Antenna , copy antenna-bin-0.9.14.jar into %ANT_HOME%/lib. Step5: download ProGuard , copy proguard.jar into %ANT_HOME%/lib. Step6: download EagleFund source achive. unzip EagleFundxxx_src.zip. ant Or, check out sources from cvs cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@eaglefund.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/eaglefund login
2, How to install this application. download EagleFund unzip EagleFundxxx.zip copy the EagleFund.jar and EagleFund.jad to Java Application directory of your cell phone.